MNM Antique Mall
Items for Sale
We offer a wide variety of items - antiques, primitives, glassware. industrial, repurpose, shabby chic, collectables (toys and sports).
Treasures for everyone.
Roll of Budweiser Coaster
Vintage Calendars
Fox Valley Patriot Magazine
Parkin Ice Cream Container
Weis 5-drawer File
Vintage cans
Coke Dinner Set - 10" Plate, 7" Plate, soup Bowl, Cup
Sworaski Crystal Christmas Ornaments
'Steps' - perfect for plants, books, whatever you can think of
TOY ROOM - full of Tractors, Trucks and Cars
Vaseline / Urnamium Glassware
Poster of Ringling Bros & Barnum and Bailey Circus
Shelves of Books (Children's, Nature, WWI, WWII, Civil War, and others)
White Primitive Cabinet
Carnival Glass - Marigold shown but also have pink
1800s Butternut Wood Dresser
Beer Steins, Mugs and Glasses
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